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InkToPixels has joined Cinematronic!

We are working on providing a wider range of services and products beyond retro-style video games.

If you are here, you are probably looking for news on System Under Surveillance. SUS is currently on a hiatus, but it is not dead. The development will just be going at a much slower pace.

Working on SUS has been amazing and a positive experience. However, while we are extremely passionate about making games, the video game market is very saturated and it is extremely challenging to generate a living out of it. We want to express our deepest gratitude to the incredible community supported us all this time. Your enthusiasm and commitment to SUS have been the driving force behind our work and the main reason we pursued this project to begin with. We are sad to not being able to bring the project to fruition as swiftly as we had hoped.

This new joint venture with Cineamatronic will allow us to provide a wider range of services, some of which relevant to the video game industry, while others will not. Read below about what the future holds for us.

What is Cinematronic?
Cinematronic develops software and hardware to help content creators—like game developers, filmmakers, and researchers—build personalized media experiences. Our User Insight Tool uses real-time biometric data for content quality assurance, enabling creators to adapt their work based on audience reactions.
By using a multimodal approach, combining eye tracking, GSR, PPG, and Heart Rate, the User Insight Tool provides a an understanding of the emotional impact of the content on the audience; how they feel, what they like, and what they dislike.